Proposal 1. partner companies like Wanted
The 're welcome the first proposal, is " Could you help me with our work as a cooperative company -like". While filling the free man-hours in our work or it would be how the am poking around or preparing for the next leap forward. The following people of what from it may be club whether your worries to prepare for the leap, please read the proposal 2.
募集工程 | 個別募集 |
メカ設計 | 構想設計から対応、詳細設計を対応、バラシのみ対応いずれのケースも歓迎です |
電気設計 | ハード、ソフト、デバックまで一貫して対応いただける方が望ましいです |
組立・調整 | 当社の工場での作業が基本となりますが、組み立て後に納入していただける場合もあります |
制御盤組 | 部品調達を含めて対応していただく場合も部品支給で製作のみ対応していただく場合もどちらもあります |
機体配線 | 基本的には当社の工場での作業になりますが、他の工程と組み合せて対応いただく場合には製作後納入の場合もあります |
デバック | 基本的には電気設計をご対応いただく場合にセットでお願いしますが、単独でも対応いただける場合は歓迎いたします |
現地作業 | 基本的には他の工程をご対応いただく場合にセットでお願いしますが、単独でも対応いただける場合は歓迎いたします |
一貫募集 : 全工程を一貫して対応していただく方式も募集しております

Proposal 2. sales support services
In order to continue to win to continue the good work, you need a mechanism to sell. The 're welcome and suggestions to exert persistent effect, is "Why not apply the mechanism to sell the Company has built." Until the practical steps that can be immediately applied even be in our niche industry such as that to get an overview in the know-how books and seminars on sales force does not understand. Rather than such a conceptual thing, you can connect a short period of time in the achievement by having you incorporate a mechanism that we are at the same worker is actually raising the operation to effect. Mechanism to sell can, when orders become more active, it is how do you prevent the opportunity lost to come to the next challenge. Please refer to the proposal 3 for that point.
A. セミナー(例)
a. いますぐ始めよう、儲かる広告宣伝!
b. 強みってなんだ?最安でなくても受注できます!
c. 本当の営業してますか?未来を作る「営業月報」!
d. 使える営業マンは会社の財産! 攻めの採用面接
a. セミナー抜粋「いますぐ始めよう、儲かる広告宣伝!」
B. 支援サービス(例)
a. 安くて効果抜群の広告プランを作成します。運用も可能です。
b. 説明がしやすく聞いてもらえる営業ツールを作成します。
c. 攻める営業組織を構築するためのプランを作成します。
d. 使える営業マンを育てるために客先同行など実践指導します。
Proposal 3. Joint Orders Union
There are times when a situation that mechanism does not have to turn and come to function smoothly have to refuse to work in capacity over to sell occurs. Also it comes out that I am over the voice to work themselves is not very good. In such a case, you will not guests can ever again multiplied by the voice from customers who refuse. It's the worst act of inconvenience by forcibly orders to say whether. On the other hand, the wave of job change in such as economic trends and industry structure even if there is an excellent sales organization will occur. The 're welcome to the third proposal, it is "those skilled in the art by Do not aim the reduction of building orders community opportunity lost or free man-hours."